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Help a Gov!

Help a Gov!
Help a Gov! 是一个一站式的商店,关于课程确认,经济援助, housing, registration and advising, and more! 

Help a Gov! Dates

Semester Help a Gov! Location Date Times Available
Fall 2023 Ellington Lobby in the Ellington Building on Drane Street August 21, 2023 - August 24, 2023 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Fall 2023 Ellington Lobby in the Ellington Building on Drane Street August 26, 2023 10:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Fall 2023 Ellington Lobby in the Ellington Building on Drane Street August 28, 2023 - August 29, 2023 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Frequently Asked Questions

Campus Bookstore

Felix G. Woodward Library


要查找即将到来的学期所需书籍的清单,学生可以查看他们的 学生可在“注册”、“一站通”或“特快专递”下打印教科书时间表 order directly from the bookstore link on the left.

Another great option for books is the Felix G. Woodward library. Checkout their website for their catalog and services. 

Academic Calendar

Confirming your Classes



Have you been dropped from your classes? You will need to re-register before visiting the Financial Aid office. Follow this link for step-by-step instructions to register and then confirm your classes.
Clarksville Campus Terms
  • Fall first session (session A) - 8 weeks (August - October)
  • Fall second session (session B) - 8 weeks (October - December)
  • Fall full semester - 16 weeks (August - December)
  • Spring first session (session A) - 8 weeks (January - March)
  • Spring second session (session B) - 8 weeks (March - May)
  • Spring full semester - 16 weeks (January - May)
  • Maymester - 4 weeks
  • Summer I - 4 weeks (June - July)
  • Summer II - 4 weeks (July - August)
Fort Campbell Campus Terms
  • Fall I - 8 weeks (August - October)
  • Fall II - 8 weeks (October - December)
  • Winter term - 4 weeks (December - January)
  • Spring I - 8 weeks (January - March)
  • Spring II - 8 weeks (March - May)
  • Summer III - 8 weeks (May - July)

Registration Information Archive


A-Number: An identification number developed for each student. This number is used on all institutional records.

Academic Advisors:帮助学生了解和理解毕业要求的员工 degree program. They help them select courses, understand and plan for pre-requisite 课程,满足学位要求,为他们的职业生涯做准备,并与大学联系 resources when necessary

Academic Probation所有大学都要求学生保持最低累积平均绩点 (GPA) to remain in school. Any student not maintaining satisfactory progress toward his/her educational objectives will be placed on probation for a semester.

Academic Suspension留校察看学生如不及格,可被给予休学处分 to maintain or achieve the minimum cumulative GPA required. A student placed on suspension 会被学校开除一段时间吗?通常不超过一段时间 semester. Specific requirements may be placed on the student's re-entry into college.

Academic Year: 从秋季开学到毕业的这段时间 in the spring.

Accreditation: 获得学院、大学或学习项目的认证机构的认可; 在教学、人员配备、设施等方面达到规定的最低质量标准; financial stability, and policies.

Accuplacer一种提供个人技能重要信息的计算机化评估 and preparation for college-level courses. It is an untimed, adaptive computer-based 测试阅读理解能力(20道题),句子技巧 (20道题),初级代数(12道题,40道题) for Dual Enrollment applicants).

Adjunct Faculty: Visiting or part-time instructors.

Advanced Placement (AP):在高中开设的大学水平的课程,学生付费参加 考试成绩为3分及以上,(成绩为1至5分) credit standing at many colleges.

Associate Degree完成至少两年但不超过四年的一克课程后授予 相当于全日制大学工作,要求完成至少60个学分 hours with a cumulative GPA of 2.0.

Audit: To take a course without credit. Student is not required to take an exam nor submit work for review.

Award Letter:助学金通知,列出学生获得的助学金类型和金额 is eligible for.

Bachelor's Degree: Undergraduate degree offered by four-year colleges and universities, complete a minimum of 120 credit hours.

Bursar: The administrator responsible for billings and collections of tuition and fees.

Challenge Examinations: 由学院提供的由学院自己准备的特定科目的考试 教职员工,使学生通过考试获得学分 instead of attending class sessions.

CLEP (College-Level Examination Program): CLEP由33个领域的一系列考试组成,测试个人的大学水平 knowledge gained through life experiences. Many colleges grant credit to students who meet a score identified by the institution.

Closed Sections: A section or course that has been filled to capacity; no further registrations will be accepted without signed permission by the instructor.

Commuter: A commuter is a student who lives off-campus and drives to class, or commutes

Co-requisite Course: Students can enroll in both courses, simultaneously, 在同一学期内或可能已经在上一学期完成该课程, to meet the requisite.

Credit Hours: Courses taken in college are measured in terms of credit hours. To earn one credit 学时,学生每堂课必须上一学时(通常是50分钟) week for the whole semester (usually 16 weeks). Classes are offered in 1 - 5 credit hour increments, and sometimes larger amounts.

Curriculum课程是由学校规定或概述的课程组成的 for completion of a program of study leading to a degree or certificate.

Cumulative Exam:涵盖整个学期课程内容的考试.

Dean's List: 已公布的平均成绩达到荣誉等级的本科生名单 (3.5 or higher) for the semester.

Degree Requirements其他院校为完成某一课程而规定的要求 of study are generally termed degree requirements. Requirements may include a minimum 学时数,要求的GPA,指定范围内的先决条件和选修课程 major, and/or minor areas of study.

Drop and Add学生通常被允许从课程表中删除课程 add other courses. Colleges allow varying lengths of time for students to add and drop classes. The college catalog or class schedule should note the correct procedures. 

Expected Family Contribution (EFC): 由公式决定的数额,学生和家庭的期望贡献 学生的教育,EFC是用来确定学生的经济需求和援助 eligibility

FA: 当学生没有参加指定的课程时,他们的成绩单上会收到FA number of sessions for a course. 

FAFSA:免费申请联邦学生资助,这是联邦政府使用的唯一申请 government to award federal student financial aid.

Fees: Additional charges not included in the tuition

Financial Aid:可从助学金,奖学金,贷款,田纳西州彩票学费援助 and part-time employment from federal, state, institutional, and private sources, 这些项目的奖励可以合并在一个奖励包中,以满足以下项目的费用 education

Full-time enrollment/Part-time enrollment: Full-time student is enrolled in 12 or more credit hours a semester; part-time student is enrolled in less than 12 credit hours

Grade Point Average (GPA): 等于学生的课程平均成绩,将总分相加 所有课程的绩点值,并除以所修总学分 during the same time

Humanities Courses人文学科是指包括文学、哲学、 and the fine arts. Most undergraduate degrees require a certain number of humanities credit hours.

Hybrid classes: One that combines online learning and face-to-face instruction

Interdisciplinary Course: Those which deal with two or more academic subjects/disciplines (i.e., psychology and education).

Major学生选择的专业,通常要求成功完成 a specified number of credit hours

Mid-Term Exams (Midterms)在每学期的中期,老师可能会进行期中考试 students on the material covered during the first half of the semester. Some classes have only two tests, a midterm and a final.

Minor: Designated as a specific number of credit hours in a secondary field of study.

MWF: Courses that meet on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Online classes (W): Meet via computer, through an online learning management system

Permanent Record: The card on which the Registrar lists all of a student's courses, semester hours credited, grades, status, and certain personal information.

Pre-requisite Courses: A pre-requisite course is a course taken in preparation for another course. For example, Accounting 1 is a pre-requisite for Accounting 2. 

Registrar: The college administrator responsible for supervising course enrollment, academic recording, and certification.

TR: Classes that meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays only.

Tuition: Amount paid for each credit hour of enrollment, fees, and books. This does not include room and board.

Verification联邦法规要求的程序,用于验证信息的准确性 和FAFSA报告的数据和/或解决学生的信息冲突 financial aid record.

Withdrawal: Students may withdraw from courses during a semester, but there are established procedures for doing so. 

Student Financial Aid & Scholarships Office

Student Financial Aid & Scholarships Office

If your schedule was dropped, you MUST register again before talking to Financial Aid. 一旦你重新注册了你的课程,请联系财务办公室 拨打931-221-7907,或随意前往艾灵顿大厦参观 person. 

你不确定自己是否已经交了所有的材料,达到了不被退学的要求吗 from your classes? 查看您的一站式网络自助服务的准备清单,看看您是否准备好了 missing anything.
Dining Services

Dining Services

Students have many different options when it comes to food, whether it's choosing 正确的用餐计划,或者决定去哪家咖啡馆,餐饮服务公司应有尽有 covered. 
Immunization Requirements

Health Services

STUDENTS LIVING ON CAMPUS: Are required to provide proof of immunization against meningitis. Shot records can be sent to 365bet Health Services P.O. Box 4655 Clarksville, TN 37044 or fax to (931) 221-7388.

ALL INCOMING STUDENTS: Must submit forms regarding MMR, Hepatitis, and Chicken Pox. These records can be sent to 365bet Health Services P.O. Box 4655 Clarksville, TN 37044 or fax to (931) 221-7388. 

Cable TV Lists for Campus Residents

Peay Pickup

Campus Police

RAVE Alerts

On-campus Housing

想知道你是否可以分期付款,你的室友是谁,或者是什么 bring on the big day? Follow us to the Housing page for answers to all of your questions and concerns, or contact the Housing/Residence Life & Dinning Services office at (931) 221-7444 or housing@f444444.com

Enjoy the benefits of living on campus! 
  • 你离教室、体育赛事、图书馆、音乐会和一切都只有五分钟的路程 else happening at The Peay
  • FREE use of laundry rooms
  • FREE Cable TV 
  • FREE High-Speed Internet (Wi-Fi in all rooms)
  • FREE Peay Pickup Services (around campus and Clarksville)
  • Students who live on campus tend to make better grades
  • Your friends will be steps away
  • Resident Assistants on call 7pm-8am daily
  • Campus police on patrol 24/7
  • Sign up for RAVE Alerts to keep you informed on campus safety.